How Does it Work?
Innovative, energy efficient water heating technology.
A simple concept, brilliantly executed. The Quantum Solar Heat Pump works on a patented refrigeration principle similar to that found in an air conditioner, or refrigerator – but in reverse.
A traditional solar hot water service typically consists of collector panels or tubes fitted to your roof which water flows through and then into a storage tank. This service relies on the sun and in Australia can provide between 50-90% of hot water for your home1, an electric ‘booster element’ kicking in to cover any shortfall.
A Quantum Solar Heat Pump however makes use of the heat in the ambient air around the system, and a reverse refrigeration process to heat the water. This means the sun doesn’t need to be shining, and what’s more, it’s so efficient that it can provide reliable hot water 24 hours a day, even in temperatures as low as -10°C with no booster element.
Save on your hot water energy bill
A Quantum heat pump can cost just a fraction to run when compared to other traditional forms of water heating – and represent a significant financial benefit as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental footprint of your home.
Solar Energy From the Air
1. Sun heats the air
Heat pumps rely on ambient air temperature rather than incidental sunshine. Utilising refrigeration principles, Quantum heat pumps can extract heat from the air without the need for direct sunlight, and can produce hot water in rain, hail or shine – without the need for a booster element.
2. Energised air inducted into heat pump
Once the air is drawn into the heat pump, it passes over an evaporator containing a refrigerant which boils at a very low temperature. The boiling refrigerant is then compressed causing its’ temperature to be raised even further – transforming it into a super-heated vapour.
3. Energy transferred to heat cold water
Using Quantum’s patented Tank Wrap™ technology, this super-heated vapour is fed through copper coils (condenser) wrapped around the outside of the water tank, heating the water evenly and efficiently from the outside in.
4. Cold air expelled
Once the heat has been extracted from the air and transferred to the water, the remaining cold air is discharged from the heat pump by fan. Once the desired water temperature is reached, the system will go into energy-saving standby mode until it is required to commence heating again.
Designed and Manufactured to Australian Standards.
The Quantum product range has been tested to conform to the relevant Australian Standards and conforms to WaterMark certification WMKA25313.